eques judicii

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if this has any impact on America there will be an English Press Release that will spell it out... from what I've heard the translations coming out of Taiwan were Blue HD-DVD (remember they call DVDs Red DVD)... I'll ask my girlfriend to translate later...

6270d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

that the leak movie was caught offscreen running at 480i... not even an hdtv... The fact that the image is 4:3 is one giveaway (as most HDTV, like 99%, are 16:9) and the fact that the interlace distortion is so great, there are no more than 480 lines on the screen.

The game looks better than halo 2 at 480i... but i'll save my judgement for a higher resolution capture.

6271d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

this is great for ps3 owners... they'll get to play this game... but with the amount of money that microsoft has put into it (bundled 360 in japan and all) i'm sure it will still be a timed exclusive... not to mention there has been no advertisement for the ps3 version, not even on the official site, where they list xbox live features, the release date, and only the xbox 360...

welcome in the new age of "timed" exclusives!!

6271d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

i had a ps2 but gave it away (although i have a copy of final fantasy 12 that i'm itching to play so i may pick up another one)... never had a dreamcast (wish i did though)

my favorite console (to this day) was the sega saturn. Before that I had an NES and before that an Atari. I never got a ps1 or dreamcast because I went into computer gaming until the xbox came out (and that only lasted a year before I went back to computer gaming) Nowadays the computer industry goes a lit...

6272d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I was asking to see if anyone knew if they were counting the give-aways or not inflated the sales being claimed

here's my link:

now, it comes from toshiba, so it too is VERY biased. but I'd like some rebuttal.

instead of just disagreeing with my post, please give me some replies, i'm very curiou...

6272d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

it seems to me some people are just reading the headlines and not reading the article. First, it is from playthree not from bungie or xbox.com. I agree that it is shameful for microsoft to mandate that halo 3 be 1080p, but the article has to be taken with a grain of salt. Frankly, it is a rumor, so don't blame microsoft for toying with their fans... that would only be true if they made a press release out of this. There has been no talk from bungie or microsoft as to the final resolution ...

6272d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

i'll be willing to eat my words if someone can show me a link to the contrary... but i thought that these sales were inflated by the free bluray's that were given away with the ps3? Specifically the one's that needed to be redeemed in Europe by registering with PSN...

I'm curious to see how bluray does. I have an HD-DVD add-on for the 360 (and will get the bluray addon if they release it... i don't feel like buying a ps3 or a standalone at the moment) and I'm very excited tha...

6272d ago 3 agree10 disagreeView comment

quit trolling

6272d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

"Enemy Territory: Quake Wars is due for release on 25th May on PC via Activision. PS3 and Xbox 360 versions are scheduled to follow later this year."

all that means is that they don't know when they are releasing for consoles yet... it was only relatively recently announced for consoles... so they probably are still working on the ports.

6272d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

technically 1080p gaming is possible over component, its only movies that get downscaled for copyright reasons. However, sometimes people's TVs don't accept 1080p through component (although Samsung TVs do)

6272d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

if this were true, great... but i'm doubting the reliability of the information. There has been no word from any other source about the resolutions of Halo... and to make this story less credible they mentioned "halo 4" which there won't be... the next halo project is Halo Wars... then there is whatever Peter Jackson is working on...

also, peter moore has pointed to 2011 or 2012 as the timeframe for the next xbox... not 2010...

If this came from a site...

6272d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

completely confused me... i don't think i have any idea what you said.

6275d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

i never put too much faith in small stutters on a website movie... mainly because of capture stutters and compression problems... if the game was very noticeably stuttering then i'd be concerned, but the minor stutters i think have more to do with the capture process... but we'll know when the demo comes out.

6275d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

january was the five week month... this was a standard 4 week.... if it was a 5 week month then that would speak poorly to the entirety of the video game industry

6275d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

i wonder if this has anything to do with the recent announcement of HD-DVD support by samsung

6275d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

i hate gamepro

6276d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

I'm surprised at home much Bandai Namco is supporting the Xbox 360. With Ace Combat, Eternal Sonata, Beautiful Katamari, Ridge Racer, pac-man, and the rumored naruto game...

i'm wondering, even though this is multiplatform, if it will move consoles in Japan... I mean, if its on two platforms and is the same game... would Japan really choose the more expensive platform?

6276d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

after all the leaks from within microsoft lately, this wasn't even announced. time to go dig up panzer's dragoon.

6276d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

if it turns out that Jack Thompson is a hardcore gamer in some sort of secret life. Kinda like that preacher that bashed homosexuality but turned out to be gay.

6276d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I never thought about it like that... and its true, the arcade racers are little faster and a little more twitch based... but in a sim you want the broader range of control.. plus you want it to be more realistic.

6276d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment